Victoria University [Australia]


SA Fire Protection has secured a contract for providing advanced fire laboratory equipment for CESARE (the Centre for Environmental Safety And Risk Engineering), at Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia.
The system is a water mist laboratory generator capable to discharge water mist particles at variable pressure and flow rates from single or multiple nozzle configurations. The system has been designed to allow fire researchers to build very specific water mist discharge scenarios in order to observe and record flame behaviours under water mist influence.
A twin system was supplied and installed at FireSert in the UK back in 2007. To date it has contributed to several fire research programmes aimed to develop the knowledge and understanding of water mist in fire suppression.
This project confirms the firm leadership position of SA Fire Protection in the engineering of scientific fire laboratory systems designed to meet the fire research requirements worldwide.

SA Fire Protection is an Italian independent engineering & manufacturing company active in the field of Fire Protection with more than 35 years of experience. The company is organised into three major business units: Fire Protection Engineering, Fire Product Manufacturing and Services.

CESARE is the Centre for Environmental Safety and Risk Engineering that carries out research on the spread of smoke and fire in buildings, fire extinguishment and the way structures respond to fire. Their academic and research staff are well known to be experienced in areas of structural behaviour and design, heat transfer, human behaviour in fire, risk assessment, management and detection systems.

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